"I wish to thank you for the wonderful workmanship and professionalism in manufacture and installation of the Channel Letter signs for the Indian Store. We have been in business since 1985 at several different locations where we needed signage installation. All I can say is YOU ARE THE BEST !. Your prices were competitive and more than fair. The workmanship was professional and everyone we delt with in your company were easy to work with. The art work was great. Within days after the signs were installed - The customer traffic tripled."
Thank you again. Your company is highly recommended.

Larry Benson
The Indian Store

channelLetter_logo06 contourCL06_1 contourCL05 contourCL02

Many cities and counties maintain similar zoning requirements, however, most vary depending on the area of certain communities. What may be allowed in one shopping center could be out of the question in a business district. Eastern Signs, Inc. has a great deal of experience in these cases, being flexible in locations where signage regulations have tighter controls. We ensure that both parties, the customer and the city officials, agree on a result both desired and approved of.

The Indian Store©, expanding their business, decided to move for more space. With a larger location, bigger and brighter signage was needed– new channel letters, logo boxes installed on three sides of the building and lastly, a monument sign and their grand-opening banners, etc.... Beside the Indian head logo and "The Indian Store" text, the customer wanted to add a long box underneath. It would contain a description relating to their business in vinyl decal. The decision held more practicality than to arrange it in all channel letters, since it would have cost over 30k for the entire project. Unfortunately, in Vista City, the local zoning code and planing department no longer allowed box signs and rejected the project plan.

"We understand the vision that our customers have being business owners ourselves. However, arguing and fighting does not solve anything. We know that by agreeing to terms and balancing giveand- take, all parties can come to a successful arrangement," says Don, RMO, Eastern Signs Inc. "In these specific cases, we work with the zoning committee instead of blindly disagreeing to their terms." In a similar case, Eastern Signs Inc completed a TOKYOTOKYO signage, reduced size in dimensions by the Concord City planning department. The sign exceeded maximum width restrictions, but by shrinking the width caused the height of the sign to minimize drastically. Eastern Signs worked with the planning department to negotiate these issues and finally agreed to a width length that exceeded the restriction by a fair amount and a height size the customer content and satisfied with.

At the zoning board office awaiting the Indian Store approval, Larry and Susan continued to explain the necessity of the box sign. "We explained things in a calm manner, showed the board that without the box sign, people wouldn't know that they sold in their store," said Susan, Eastern Signs. They presented the board with a layout of the box sign, how it would hold, look and even beautify the center.

By working with the zoning board and community, Eastern Signs was able to explain why the additional sign boxes were necessary thus, granted the variances for their project.

" There is always another way. It isn't just about not giving up, but rather, finding a more beneficial method for everyone. By working with all parties to figure what is most important, most essential, we can find a solution that works for everyone, including the customer! "


Please visit our products page for samples of our work, or contact us directly for more information.

