Front-lit, Side-lit and Back-lit Channel Letters

What are "Side-Lit" channel letters?

While most common channel letters are illuminated for the front view, Side-Lit letters are uniquely made so that light shines not only through the front (or the face) but also through the sides. Thus, the difference is an all-around 360 degree glow which enhances the appearance of the signage and also gives it a sophisticated look. The trick is that front-lit signs are made from aluminum that is easily manufactured to create your desired look. Yet, side-lit channel letters are made from acrylic, lexan which is specially bent and bonded making it a little more expensive. But, even then, you're left with a futuristic, attention-grabbing piece of art that illuminates your company's name in the most elegant way.

Did you know...Eastern Signs can do Side-Lit Channel letters while others can't?

Side lit channel letters are most popular throughout places in Europe and Japan at high-end boutiques. Side lit signs require the latest expensive type of equipment that Eastern Signs have had experience with (for over 25 years). The bending of acrylic, lexan requires more time and more patience than other companies allow. Eastern Signs can custom make Side-lit channel letters to any design that isn't achieveable for other companies using standard channel letter fabrications. Works for indoor and outdoor use alike and U.L. Listed.

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Manufactured, Permit & Install
Over 1,000 channel letter signs per year.



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